Class: AdRequester


new AdRequester(vpHost, adRequesterSettings)

The AdRequester is used to make ad requests to Pulse; create an instance and then use
videoplaza.adrequest.AdRequester.requestSession method to send information about the ads
that you want to request.

Name Type Description
vpHost string

Full hostname of the Invidi account being used.

adRequesterSettings object

Optional settings.

Name Type Description
deviceContainer string

Pulse device container.

persistentId string

Pulse persistent id. Used for unique user tracking.

ignoreSecure boolean

If not set, HTTP tracking URLs will not be used when using an HTTPS vpHost. If set, HTTP tracking will be enabled. False by default.


<static> ContentForm :string

Potential content form values passed to videoplaza.adrequest.AdRequester.requestSession, used to
determine the ad insertion policy.

  • string
Name Type Default Description
SHORT_FORM string shortForm

Short form content. Typically used for news summaries, game highlights and the like.

LONG_FORM string longForm

Long form content. Typically used for feature films, TV series, complete games, and the like.

<static> InsertionPointType :string

All valid types you can pass in the insertionPointFilter list in requestSettings, as an argument to videoplaza.adrequest.AdRequester.requestSession.
These will determine when the received ads are to be played.

  • string
Name Type Default Description
ON_BEFORE_CONTENT string onBeforeContent

Request ads to be played before the content, or 'preroll' ads.

PLAYBACK_POSITION string playbackPosition

Request ads to be played during the content, or 'midroll' ads; don't forget to specify which positions the ads are to be played at, in the linearPlaybackPositions field.
Additionality, specifying positions in the nonLinearPlaybackPositions field will request overlay ads.

ON_CONTENT_END string onContentEnd

Request ads to be played after the content, or 'postroll' ads.

ON_PAUSE string onPause

Request ads to be played when the content is paused.

PLAYBACK_TIME string playbackTime

Request ads to be displayed based on the content duration.



Registers a handler function to be called when important information is available.

Name Type Description
logCallback videoplaza.LogItem~logItemCallback

A callback which will receive logging information.

requestPassback(failedItem, errorString, onComplete)

If an ad fails to play, use this method to report the error and receive a new ad in turn. You can check if the ad has more passback candidates available with videoplaza.adresponse.Ad.hasPassback, to avoid getting an error if this is not the case.

Name Type Description
failedItem videoplaza.adresponse.Ad | videoplaza.adresponse.LinearCreative

The videoplaza.adresponse.Ad or videoplaza.adresponse.LinearCreative that failed.

errorString string

An error string describing why the previous item failed; valid errors are available in videoplaza.tracking.Tracker.AdErrors and videoplaza.tracking.Tracker.CreativeErrors

onComplete videoplaza.adrequest.AdRequester~onCompletePassback

Callback providing the next ad candidate


requestSession(contentMetadata, requestSettings, onSuccess, onFail)

The requestSession method is used to make an ad request to Invidi.

Name Type Description
contentMetadata ContentMetadata

Information about the content that is making the ad request.

requestSettings RequestSettings

Settings about the environment in which the ad will play.

onSuccess videoplaza.adrequest.AdRequester~onCompleteSession

Required. Function that gets called when the request completes successfully. A videoplaza.adresponse.Session object
representing the response is passed into this function as its only argument.

onFail videoplaza.adrequest.AdRequester~onFailSession

Required. Function that gets called in case the request fails, with a string describing the request error as its only argument.


requestSessionExtension(session, contentMetadata, requestSettings, onComplete)

The requestSessionExtension method is used to make an ad request to Invidi, extending the provided Session with additional insertionPoints.

Name Type Description
session videoplaza.adresponse.Session

Required. The Session object to extend with additional videoplaza.adresponse.InsertionPoints.

contentMetadata ContentMetadata

Information about the content that is making the ad request.

requestSettings RequestSettings

Settings about the environment in which the ad will play.

onComplete function

Required. Function that gets called when the request completes, success or not. The extended videoplaza.adresponse.Session object
representing the passed Session object merged with the response is passed into this function as its only argument.


requestThirdParty(thirdPartyContainer, onComplete)

Sends a request to complete loading of an unloaded/'lazy' Ad or Insertion Point

Name Type Description
thirdPartyContainer videoplaza.adresponse.Ad | videoplaza.adresponse.InsertionPoint

The videoplaza.adresponse.Ad or videoplaza.adresponse.InsertionPoint to load.

onComplete videoplaza.adrequest.AdRequester~onCompleteLazy

Callback providing the container passed in once it is ready to play


Type Definitions


Callback returned by requestPassback(), requestThirdParty() and requestSession().

Name Type Description
error string

Message describing the reason for canceling


Callback passed into requestThirdParty() to notify that the request succeeded.

Name Type Description
container videoplaza.adresponse.Ad | videoplaza.adresponse.InsertionPoint

Ready to use Ad or InsertionPoint object


Callback passed into requestPassback() to notify that the request succeeded.

Name Type Description
ad videoplaza.adresponse.Ad

Ready to use Ad object


Callback passed into requestSession() to notify that a session is available.

Name Type Description
session videoplaza.adresponse.Session

Ready to use session object


Callback passed into requestSession() to notify that the session request failed.

Name Type Description
message string

Error message explaining the failure